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Q- Does Ziryan sing?
A- Only in the shower.

Q- What kind of grades do these kids get?
A- Will be answered soon.

Q- How do you pronounce "Ziryan"?
A- Though it looks like "Zai-ran" to me, but I pronounce it as "Zi-ri-an", just because it sounds nicer to me. :3



Q- How do you come up with concepts for the webcomic?
A- I don't know, they come from my brain. Must come from all the years of use, ne?

Q- How do you draw the comic?
A- I draw it with a 0.5 mechanical pencil, ink with microns, and scan it in. For "coloring", I use Photoshop to shade, add text, and fix anything I messed up on when inking.

Q- What programs were used to create this webcomic?
A- Photoshop for the comic, notepad to write out the html.

Q- How long will each chapter be?
A- I haven't written out all of the chapters yet, but I'm estimating anywhere between 15 and 20 pages.

Q- What was the inspiration?
A- Uh, I don't know? I'll assume it was music that inspired it. >_>;;

Q- How long does it take to complete a page?
A- It varies with each page and how much stuff I need to color. Pencilling takes about an hour to get everything the way I want it. Inking is about half an hour, and coloring takes another hour. Adding text/other stuff takes about 10 minutes. So one page is roughly 3 hours of work.



Q- How do you do that.
A- This isn't really a question, but it was said by a good friend of mine. He often confuses me by saying such things...

Genuine © 2004-current by LMC.
Genuine is hosted on Keenspace.